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What do you do when your in so much pain that you want to just close your eyes and disappear?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @malza
Profile picture for Now&Me member @juicewrld999
11 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @malza

I lie in my bed and listen to Radiohead

Profile picture for Now&Me member @juicewrld999

Scream @juicewrld999

Listening to NF - Hate myself

Profile picture for Now&Me member @malza

Why this song?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @juicewrld999

Scream @juicewrld999

I can relate so much…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @malza

It’s a good song. The lyrics are deep.
Do you feel misunderstood?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @juicewrld999

Scream @juicewrld999

Yes, i grew up in disfuncional family with abusive father and narcissistic mother and never trusted them after so many times they hurt me. I never learned to share my feeling and keep them to myself because i was neglected and didn’t felt that i was important.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @juicewrld999

Scream @juicewrld999

i appreciate that your interested enough to ask me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @malza

Sorry for your family, it sounds awful…
Life is long. I don t know how old are you, but life’s long. And you will meet people who will give you the love you deserve.
And with time, you will learn to express your feelings, and create the family you need, want or deserve.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @malza

Sorry It took me time to answer. English is not my native language.
But you can talk to me whenever you need ✌🏽

Profile picture for Now&Me member @juicewrld999

Scream @juicewrld999



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