30 Best Brother and Sister Quotes to Share Your Love for Them

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Hansa Pandey

27 April 2023

6 Mins

Every person experiences different relationships at different stages of their life. Moreover, relationships change with time; some are never-ending bonds, and some end in a few months. But one relationship that always remains the same no matter what difficulties life throws at them is the bond of a brother and a sister. It is an unshakeable bond which becomes stronger with time and has no expiry date. The relationship between a brother and a sister is much like Tom and Jerry: always fighting, chasing and teasing each other, but they also can't live without each other, constantly talking when they have no one to talk to.

How can quotes help you express your love for siblings?

Most people think that we always need to do something big to express our love for people around us. But sometimes small gestures can also help us express our feelings towards loved ones, and one of them is quotes. Sharing quotes is not only the quickest form of expressing love, but it also allows us to express our love with the right kind of words.

Here are the 30 best brother and sister funny, emotional and heart touching quotes that you can share with your siblings:

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Best Brother and sister quotes that explain the beautiful bond -

There can be no better companion than a brother. There can be no better friend than a sister.

No matter how many friends you have, the companionship of brother and sister is unbeatable.

Brothers & sisters are as close as hands and feet. – Vietnamese Proverb

The closeness of the bond can be explained by this quote.

You can kid the world, but not your sister. – Charlotte Gray

Your sister will always be able to tell you’re up to something, no matter how much you hide.

A brother is a friend given by nature. – Jean Baptiste Legouve

After our parents, the next gift nature has given us is brother.

Friends grow up and move away. But the one thing that’s never lost is your sister.— Gail Sheeny

People come and go from our lives, but it's the sister who always stays.

Brothers are playmates in the beginning and best friends for life.

First we play every game with them, then we become friends forever.

After mom & dad, a girl feels safe & complete being with her brother.

Brothers are always ready to protect their sister from every threat.

Emotional Brother and Sister Quotes

When mom and dad don’t understand, a sister always.

There are times when our parents fail to understand us and at that moment a sister always understands us.

There’s no other love like the love for a brother. There’s no other love like the love from a brother. – Astrid Alauda

Nobody can love as endlessly as brothers do.

Seeing my brother smile, I forget my tears, and seeing my brother’s tears, I forget my smile.

A sister forgets about her own joys and sorrows when she sees her brother in pain.

Only sister can feel brother’s silent pain and she will hold his hand until he becomes strong again.

Sister's love can act like medicine when a brother is in pain.

The greatest gift our parents gave us was each other.

We should say thanks to our parents everyday for giving us such a beautiful bond.

A sister is a friend you don’t have to avoid the truth with. — Michelle Malm

We hide our ugly truths from the world, but we don't need to hide it from our sister.

Being sister and brother means being there for each other.

Our siblings are always there to support us in our difficult times.

Sisters and brothers just happen, we don’t get to choose them, but they become one of our most cherished relationships.

We don't get the choice to choose our siblings, but with time it becomes the best relationship of all.

brother and sister quotes

Cute Brother and Sister Quotes About Fighting

Sometimes I feel ugly. Then I look at my brother and I’m okay.

Whenever you feel bad about yourself, just take a glance at your brother and you will automatically feel good about yourself.

The highlight of my childhood was making my brother laugh so hard that food came out of his nose.

We all have our own ways to tease siblings, you can try this one too.

Brothers and sisters can say things to one another that no one else can. — Gregory E. Lang

Nicknames given by siblings to each other are not appropriate to say out loud in public.

Happiness is annoying your brother.

Nothing is more pleasurable in this world than annoying your brother, and vice versa for him.

Sometimes sisters and brothers can fight like cats and dogs.

Share this quote to your sibling if you fight like animals.

Sometimes, you have to find funny ways to tell your brother he’ll never become famous.

Bantering with your brother in different ways is next level happiness.

I smile because you’re my sister. I laugh because there’s nothing you can do about it.

Yup, that’s the reality, we cannot change our siblings, no matter what they do to us.

One of the most important responsibility as a sister is irritating your brother 24/7.

It is naturally written in the birth contracts of the siblings, to irritate each other every time.

Brother and Sister Quotes for Instagram

How do people make it through life without a brother

Having a brother by your side in difficult times makes life easier.

There’s no better friend than a sister. — Mary Engelbreit

No matter how many friends we have, nobody can be a friend like a sister.

A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. — Marion C. Garretty

Having a sister as a sibling always reminds you of the sweet memories of childhood.

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a difficult time.

A brother’s support will always be there for her sister during her difficult times.

A sister is one who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.

A sister's love is so pure and easy that it reaches directly to your heart.

When I say I won’t tell anyone, my sister doesn’t count.

When your sister is your best friend, you can't keep things to yourself.

Siblings by chance, friends by choice.

We don't choose our siblings according to our will, but we choose to become friends with them by our own will.

Share Your Favorite Brother and Sister Quotes on Now&Me

Do you have any siblings with whom you fight like Tom and Jerry yet can't stay away from them even for a minute? In your worst moments, how does your sibling support you with complete care and love?

Come and share how you like to express your sweet and sour relationship with them. Share your stories on Now&Me and tell the world how you love your siblings.

Now&Me is a platform which allows its users to share anything with the world, and it keeps the identity of its users totally anonymous. So express your feelings in a safe space and find help on Now&Me now. Sign up for free and share your happy to sad moments with your siblings with us.


A bond where you mock, scream, shout and tease each other all the time but still look up to each other in bad times is the perfect definition of a brother and sister bond.

We all express our love to our siblings in one way or another way, but still if you want to do something special, you can send some thoughtful quotes to him that describe your sweet and sour relationship with him.

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