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3am ThoughtsThought

Tatiana @tatieee1

Y’all up? I can’t sleep at all 🤦🏽‍♀️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mathurmastaadmi
9 replies
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Tatiana @tatieee1

It’s 11:35 pm in the USA

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Tatiana @tatieee1

It’s been almost 2 years since I slept alone and recently I moved out of my bf house back into my moms and I guess I just got to get use to sleeping alone

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mathurmastaadmi

Tanay Mathur @mathurmastaa...

I mean idek if you still up, but hey

Tatiana @tatieee1


Profile picture for Now&Me member @mathurmastaadmi

Tanay Mathur @mathurmastaa...

What is up? What keeps you awake this late?

Tatiana @tatieee1

I’m watching law and order rn but a part of it is I’m not use to sleeping alone


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