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Mental IllnessThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yoonakim

Yura @yoonakim

When I see my prents arguing all the time just over senceless topics, I feel so sick I don’t understand that feeling but tbh my body are shaking badly my brain are stop working , I dont know how to explain but i become so angry I just want to Scream loudly sometime I want to hurt myself. I try hard to not listen I used music with loud volume but nothing really work. I don’t know this is sickness or just an insecurity but i know very well i’m not fine with this feeling and symptoms.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @april121
2 replies

Divyanshi Jain @divyaz456

It’s same with me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @april121

April Knight @april121

im so so sorry to hear that


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