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β€ΊAnger Issuesβ€ΊThought


to vicfreed who hurted and traumatized me with his lies and manipulation, i know it’s harder for me to heal especially that you never apologized to what you did, i never begged you for it anyways bc i think that apology should come out naturally from a person who is aware of his mistakes, and you not apologizing says a lot of how you never felt any guilt with what you’ve done and i guess that’s the reason why healing for me is so hard bc you never apologized about it. sometimes i think you intended not to bc that’s how despicable of a person you are, you’d prefer to make the person you hurted suffer too, but i won’t, i can heal without your half-baked apology. i know i will and that is the greatest revenge i’ll settle on. to heal. good luck on your miserable life, good luck on looking for love you couldn’t find from yourself so you try to look for it and take some from every girl that you meet so they’ll absorb your misery in lack of self-love. in the end, you’re the one who should be pitied on and not me, bc i’ll come out stronger after i healed while you’re still your miserable manipulative liar self who couldn’t love himself and that’s worse than not being loved by anyone at all. good luck.

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