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Profile picture for Now&Me member @purplegirl

Emily Purple @purplegirl

My anxiety and anti social suff is getting worse I can’t handle it everything even small things are hard I’m always wishing things could go back to being simple and boring idc this is numb cold and alone

Profile picture for Now&Me member @andrewjude
Profile picture for Now&Me member @purplegirl
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @andrewjude

Andrew Jude W @andrewjude

Hey? What’s happening why you feeling like that? Did something hurt you? Or something from the past hurt you?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @purplegirl

Emily Purple @purplegirl

Idk I think it’s just a combination of everything I can’t even focus in school I’ve been like this for months my mood is always high

Profile picture for Now&Me member @andrewjude

Andrew Jude W @andrewjude

It’s alright, things happen the same way to me too, my anxiety goes way high when i plan something and things go the other way around, I can’t drive my car coz an unable to concentrate, this like these are common, please you don’t have to stress yourself coz of this


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