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I’ve been with my girlfriend for almost five years now, and while she’s amazing, I feel like I’m missing out on so much in life.

Those experiences of meeting new people, mingling, sex with other women etc. My girlfriend isn’t adventurous (in general terms) like me and I feel so restricted from doing the things I want to do.

I don’t know what to do!!!

6 replies

Sanket @sanket

You aren’t missing out on anything. How about bringing those adventures into your life where you both can enjoy? Making your partner involved in your adventures is the challenge I guess


I suppose so, she is just really stressy about literally everything and worrys all the time so I can never go and do the things I want to do

Sanket @sanket

Ah, you know you can’t and do not have to proceed from the things where they are.
You first need to figure out why your partner gets stressed and address that
Unless and until you don’t make your partner feel that confidence, trust, your partner wont give involvement


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