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Emotional AbuseThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Is it abuse if your parents won’t let you fulfill your basic hygiene needs (like brushing your teeth) if you’re a minute late to bedtime and then they scream at you for like ten minutes straight?

5 replies

AT @lostguy101

Yes it is definitely abuse. Don’t be afraid to ask someone for help. You don’t deserve to be treated that way

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Single child? Overprotective parents?


I have a sibling and he never gets treated like this, just me. My dad knows I have trouble focusing, but he just yells at me instead of helping and when I tell him that he insists he is but he literally isn’t doing anything


Ah…I am so sorry about that. You need to talk to them about it and ask them why are they doing this. Its not normal. I mean yeah occasionally all of us get scolded but its not a daily affair


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