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One Sided LoveThought


Like I liked the guy sorry I loved the guy as much as that I would take a bullet for him we have a very good relationship between us we talk u know like good friends but that feeling when I can’t see him everyday cause it’s one sided and I just liked being around him the pain is terrible and now that we are graduating in a couple of days I am even more scared I just can’t get over it he is the most priced possession to me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @studmaxx
7 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @studmaxx

StudMaxx @studmaxx

Better to check if that person is also interested in you as much as You are !
Cause in the end it only affects you


So I got signals from him that’s the reason I told him what I feel


Thanks for replying but I just wrote it because I had like a flashback of the moments we spent together and just
Couldn’t hold back

Profile picture for Now&Me member @studmaxx

StudMaxx @studmaxx

I am going thru something worse But still trying something to answer by which i can Think something positive in my Thoughts

Profile picture for Now&Me member @studmaxx

StudMaxx @studmaxx

People always pretends to look that way
If you are interested in some one. Everything they do Makes us think its for our sake …!
So whats his reply then ?


Express your feelings
Tell him everything
Best of luck darling 💗


He knows everything even the fact that I love him that much .The last time we went on lunch we met after like 2 years because of Covid there he told me that he is dating someone so on hearing that for a second I felt bad but then I felt that if he is happy I don’t want anything else .But then I have feelings too sometimes I cry a little


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