Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra

Hello, fellow Now&Me Empaths! 🌸

I hope all of you are in good health – mentally and physically.

Since the past couple of months, we all have been at home due to COVID and this has taken a toll on our lives, impacting us in areas we never thought it would. During this time, we have realised the value of having someone to talk to, more than ever.

Thus, we are curating a series of special events for all of our Now&Me members, based on the theme: “How COVID has impacted our lives – for the better and for the worse.”

But we need your help! We want you to be the decider of what you really want.
We have selected a few topics we want to cover in the events and we want you all to decide what YOU really want to talk about, what you seek and would want to start a conversation about. We are open to suggestions, so feel free to drop in any more topics you would like to discuss (related to the theme):

Here are some of the topics from which you can pick and choose the ones you resonate with the most:

[You can simply write the serial number of the topic you like the most and/or suggest some other topic you feel would be a better fit]

1) The pandemic and its after effects: - How the pandemic has impacted our lives, from being stuck inside our homes to losing routine, to work-life balance, boredom and much more.

2) Self-love: - “You are all you need”. The pandemic has forced all of us to spend more time with ourselves, leading us to react in different fashions; some have gone onto a path of self-improvement whereas for some it has been a long battle of acceptance. Perception is what determines our outlook towards life as well as ourselves. Let’s share our personal meaning of self-love and how it has kept us sane.

3) Loneliness: - As humans, it is natural to have feelings of loneliness and crave for relationships around us. But at times, human-beings are the reason behind disappointments, which can lead us to feeling more lonely. Especially during these times, people have faced loneliness like never before, with bare to minimum contact with the outside world, not seeing any friendly faces, no movie dates, no coffee breaks, just you spending time with yourself, at home!

4) Motivation: - While we’ve been trapped inside our homes, living the same life every day, from being on the bed to working on the laptop, things have started to get monotonous. This has taken a toll on our intrinsic as well as extrinsic motivation. Finding things that motivate us to workout, study or even do a simple task has been tough at times. How can we push ourselves to be better everyday?

5) Relationships: - Having to see the same faces every day, no social interaction and most of all NO breaks has also impacted our interpersonal relationships. Breakups might have hurt a tad bit extra, arguments with parents might have escalated or even having to keep in touch with friends has been tough. How to deal with the relationships in our life?

6) Hobbies and Interests: - It’s important to break the monotony and do things which make our heart sing. What are some of the hobbies/interests you have picked up during the quarantine? How have you celebrated birthdays? While some have turned bakers and readers, some simply loved spending quality time with family and chatting with friends. Let’s share our versions of passing time and making the most of it.

The idea behind this is for all of us to interact and get to know each other better. And simultaneously learn from one another, while hoping that somewhere someone else’s experience might help our own cause.

We are hoping to make this thread as interactive as possible, so don’t hesitate to drop in your suggestions on what you think should be the topics of our discussions!

Now&Me is for you and your opinion matters the most ❤️

Sunshine, love and light,

Riva Dhingra
Your friend and Community Manager, Now&Me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199
Profile picture for Now&Me member @_sreya_
Profile picture for Now&Me member @skybroker
Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra
15 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

From all the messages I have read and gone through, LONELINESS and RELATIONSHIPS should be covered.

It will help a lot of people out here. :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra

Hey! Noted. Thank you for your response 💛

Profile picture for Now&Me member @_sreya_

sreya @_sreya_

Hi ! That’s really good to hear 💖
You are doing great .
Yes , every one face a lot
2 , 5 ,6

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra

Thank you 💛💛


Amazing work ! I think self love , motivation and relationships could be the topics for interaction.
Looking forward to it ! 😊😊

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra

Thank you so much💛

Profile picture for Now&Me member @skybroker

Akash Dalal @skybroker

from all the above message i think all the topic should be covered as everyone in one way or the other have faced one or multiple mental health problem at once. as it will help all people out there now if not now then in future. but it will make an impact. powerful impact. : )
thank you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra

Thank you for your input 💛 we will surely consider it.


I had the virus in January, took till April to get rid of the virus but still suffering with all the side effects. Its so draining. Just seems to be one thing after another. My mental health is enough to cope with and now I’m still fighting to get better from covid19. I’m wondering what else will come my way to knock me back down again and again 😪😪😪

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra

The virus does take a toll on one’s physical as well as mental well health. Don’t lose heart, you seem like such a strong person. I’m sure you’ll be able to overcome everything and the key to that is staying positive and not losing hope. Get well soon 💛


Hi, these are all great topics. Self love and loneliness and motivation resonated the most with me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra

Thank you 💛


Hi, everything in this looks brilliant and should be spoken about.
I feel there should be a space only for women’s safety and only stories only about how much women suffer on daily basis and solutions on a group basis.
Not every girl wants to talk about their feelings about sexual harrasment but they can read about it and feel motivated to face the situation properly if were in the position again.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra

We’ll surely consider that. Thanks for the input 💛


I have depression and I can’t stop cutting my self I need help😫🤡😭


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