A Guide to Different Types of Counseling

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Types of Counseling

What is Counseling?

Counseling is a process where the client goes to the counselor to talk about their personal issues, life, and anything else that is bothering them in general. The counselor and the client form a therapeutic alliance wherein they both put consistent effort into identifying triggers, listing down goals, and seeking potential solutions to live a happy and fulfilling life.

What are the different types of counseling?

When we talk about counseling, it is an umbrella term with a variety of counseling services under it. They range from career counseling to relationship counseling. However, all in all, there are different types of counseling and different types of counselors who provide specific services to cater to the specific issues and needs of their clients.

Here are some of the types of counseling:

  1. Marriage Counseling

    Marriage counseling is a mode of therapy that is conducted between two people who are married and wish to discuss the intricacies of their married lives with a marriage counselor. The reason for seeking marriage counseling varies from couple to couple but is mostly to discuss personal issues, intimacy issues, communication enhancement, or interpersonal conflicts with the therapist. The goal of marriage counseling is to help you understand your relationship with your spouse on a deeper and more personal level. The counselor and the client put in a collaborative effort to meet the specific goals and get the desired results.

  2. Relationship Counseling

    Relationship counseling involves two parties talking about their personal and intimate issues with the therapist. The problems vary from couple to couple and are openly discussed in front of the therapist. The main aim of relationship counseling is to strengthen the bond of the relationship and understand yourself and your partner in ways you didn’t before.

    You and your partner can talk about anything and everything with the therapist, whether it is about your childhood history, your relationship pattern, challenges that you might be facing in the relationship, or your intimate details. Your therapist will provide a non-judgmental and safe space to ensure both you and your partner feel heard. You and your therapist put in an equal amount of effort to get to the bottom of the issue and build your relationship on a stronger foundation.

  3. Individual Counseling

    Individual counseling is also known as psychotherapy or talk therapy, wherein the therapist has a one-on-one session with the client. This type of counseling session only caters to that person’s specific needs, goals, and desires. The counselor and the client form a therapeutic alliance and work on the client’s goals together to get to the desired outcome effectively.

  4. Group Counseling

    Group counseling usually involves five to ten participants, mostly one or two therapists. In this kind of counseling, the participants usually talk about their difficulties and issues and provide each other with guidance, support, and feedback. Group counseling is of different kinds; some usually talk about a particular issue like drug abuse or relationship issues, while others are diverse and welcome any and every type of issue. This kind of counseling helps you look at things from a different and fresh perspective.

  5. Career Counseling

    Career counseling is a type of counseling that helps you understand yourself and your interests, passions, and life decisions at a deeper level. This type of counseling helps you decide on a desired major and what job will suit you best and make you happy and fulfilled. Career counseling helps you overcome the obstacles of “not knowing what to do” or “feeling lost in life” and navigates you through several psychometric tests and assessments to help you understand what you really want to do and achieve in life.

  6. Online Counseling

    Online counseling, also known as e-counseling, is a form of mental health treatment that is delivered remotely using digital communication technologies. This includes video conferencing, phone calls, texts, or email. The aim of online counseling is the same as traditional therapy — to help individuals improve their mental health and well-being, overcome emotional and psychological issues, and achieve personal growth and development. With the help of online counseling, you can consult the best therapists in India without location being a hindrance and get better anywhere, anytime.

  7. Substance Abuse Counseling

    Substance abuse counseling is a type of counseling that helps overcome addictions and the dependency one has on drugs, alcohol, or illicit psychoactive substances. This type of counseling goes on for a long period of time and is particularly based on overcoming substance abuse dependency mentally, emotionally, and physically.

  8. Family Counseling

    Family counseling is a type of counseling that caters to the specific needs and goals of the family's health and functioning. It is mostly used to address a major transition, a life-altering decision, or dynamic relationship changes, and to look after the mental and physical health of the family.

different types of counseling

How can Now&Me help with different types of counseling?

Now&Me can help you with different types of counseling, as we have a diversified set of experts and different types of counselors who are verified and qualified in their respective fields and who are readily available to help their users with anything and everything.

Our platform, Now&Me, is a safe place that helps you feel light by writing out whatever is weighing you down. It helps you engage with others and makes you look at things from a different perspective, including yourself and your issues. Become a part of the larger community and understand yourself through an empathetic lens by seeking guidance through Now&Me Experts.

When you do not know how to handle your issues or are skeptical about the thought of therapy, sign up on Now&Me and be a part of a non-judgmental, inclusive, and friendly community . A platform made for you to readily ask for help and let our experts help you understand the root cause of your issues and make you aware of how to effectively tackle them.

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Niharika S. image

Niharika S.

Counselling Psychologist

Tanisha S. S. image

Tanisha S. S.

Psychodynamic Counsellor

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