Geetha R. @geetha_raman
Check into your emotions by:
* Tuning into your body
* closing your eyes
* taking a deep breath
* writing down how you feel.
Self reflection is most essential when you don’t feel something to be right.
Connect to yourself and rise with clarity.
Karthik @great_whisper_2
Very easy to say tune into ur body
Geetha R. @geetha_raman
And just like that Difficult things will give worthy results
Karthik @great_whisper_2
Seriously while taking deep breaths I don’t know how do one know how it feels
Geetha R. @geetha_raman
This comes with time it’s most often not a once time practice. It is being able to calm yourself and your thoughts down. Rest of the clarity automatically comes with time.