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Physical HealthThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @simranpatel

Simran Patel @simranpatel

Cannot find the motivation to hit the gym anymore because of pure laziness. I feel guilty.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @simranpatel
5 replies

It’s okay. I understand. I would suggest you to find something that excites you. It may not be the gym. zumba, dance, yoga, spinning, functional exercises, swimming, boxing. Anything that YOU ENJOY doing and keeps you motivated enough. I think that should help :)

Gaurvi Narang @gaurvinaran...

I stopped going to the gym a long time ago. Don’t know when I will find the motivation again. Try going with a friend maybe?

Gaurvi Narang @gaurvinaran...

I stopped going to the gym a long time ago. Don’t know when I will find the motivation again. Try going with a friend maybe?

Khushboo @khushboo

Why are you doing like this ? Means your health doesn’t mean anything to you ? Physical exercises are very important dear so please avoid this laziness and start workout today. All the best.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @simranpatel

Simran Patel @simranpatel

I’m giving myself 3 more days to whine. Then imma get back on track. Thanks anon and Gaurvi❤️


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