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Can someone tell me what it means when you want to act romantic with someone but don’t want to be in a relationship? This guy who I kinda have a thing for just admitted that he likes me and he wants to be more that friends, and I told him that I need time to decide. And now a few days has passed and I went and rejected him even though I really liked him. And this isn’t the first time this happened, I’ve done this with many other persons before. Is this a problem?

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I think you are doing right ,


How long you have been working together ?


We’re friends, I’ve known him for 2 years


Is this a fear of commitment or not liking him? Is it that you are scared to put yourself out there? I feel like this is something that you need to take time and think about because it seems like a pattern that will continue. I know that from personal experience, I am self destructive in relationships. I tend to push the other away for fear that they dont like me. Is this what your doing to keep yourself from getting hurt? I may be way off but if you really liked him then there wouldn’t be any hesitation.


Its pretty much just insecurities. I’ve seen him hang around alot of attractive girls and it was kind of hard to believe that he finds interest in me out of all of them…


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