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Profile picture for Now&Me member @pujasen23

Puja Sen @pujasen23

When people interested talk with gay friend, I don’t know that why people thoughts that we will talk about privacy. Why will talk and ask his privacy we know our limits. I tell this it happens to me already 🥲

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pujasen23
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @pujasen23

Puja Sen @pujasen23

You take this thoughts as jokes

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @pujasen23

Puja Sen @pujasen23

Then why this smile face with cry 😐

Superstar @singer_9957

Coz there is no one permanent and you yave to choose your happiness first. No one likes you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pujasen23

Puja Sen @pujasen23

True, sometimes I forget thanks to remind me

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Aaina Dvivedi @rooo132

if u think so …then make them understand that u as a straight person dont have such feelings… they are in the minority zone so as a majority i guess we need to make them understand that we are not bad to them… (let me know if i have misunderstood your post)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pujasen23

Puja Sen @pujasen23

I understand but if you ask another person he will said like you interested know there privacy .that bad things

Aaina Dvivedi @rooo132


Superstar @singer_9957



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