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ā€ŗMental Healthā€ŗThought


when I was just a little kid, I always stay at home, I didnā€™t even remember going outside during my childhood timesā€¦ unlike the other kids playing outdoors and my siblings also when they are just kidsā€¦ thereā€™s this saying that ā€œChildhood is like when you are drunk, everyone remembers what you did, except youā€(ctto)ā€¦yes itā€™s true but I remember this unforgettable childhood memory of mine. When I try to go outside because I want to know whatā€™s going on outside, I saw people out there, and the fact that Iā€™m scared of people the first time I saw them makes me scared the most. Iā€™m scared of people, even on TV, I am scared whatā€™s going on on TV, Iā€™m being ignorantā€¦I canā€™t even interact with others until now, especially with kidsā€¦I donā€™t know why. But when time goes by, Iā€™m not scared of people at all and Iā€™m happy about that fact but when I was in 3rd grade, 8 years old I guess, I found out that Iā€™m nearsighted, I can see things clearly when they are near but when they are far away from me I canā€™t see them clearā€¦now, Iā€™m 13 years old, a high school student and in school, I need to bring a cellphone with a good camera to capture whatā€™s written in the blackboard but despite my nearsighted, that doesnā€™t affect my grades at school, Iā€™m with high honor in our classroom until now. but thatā€™s only in school, everywhere I go, the fact that my friends can experience seeing things clearly whether itā€™s near or far, unlike me, makes me feel insecure cause they can live a life I always dream ofā€¦ one day, because Iā€™m curious about my nearsightedness, I search it through the internet and found out that one of the reasons of being nearsighted is spending more time indoors and now I know, I know why Iā€™m experiencing this kind of situation at the age of 8 until now, and note, I never wear glasses or contact lenses and Iā€™m waiting for that day to come cause Iā€™m afraid that this will get worse but Iā€™m still praying and hopingā€¦and one thing, now I realized why Iā€™m afraid of people when Iā€™m just a kid, itā€™s because I canā€™t see their face when they are far away and I thought they are different from me, that they donā€™t have faces and me and my family is the only one who have facesā€¦hahaha, funny right?

3 replies

If you do not use glasses/contact lenses it will get worse. Consult ophthalmologist. Inform parents.


I already told them and we planned to consult this summer but I think the timing is not right because of this pandemic


we donā€™t have an ophthalmologist here because weā€™re living in an Islandā€¦


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