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When and what was the most toughest situation in your life? How did u all deal it?

14 replies

Trying to commit but keep living cuz I get that the life I tried to end is not just my life.


That a big thing 🙃




My mom and dad are of two different religions. Dad’s an alcoholic, mom is too religious. My mom is insecure and always suspects my dad’s having an affair where as my dad is a business man who’s lost a lot of money during the recession of 08 and the following couldn’t afford to send me and my brother to schools or even afford to eat 3 meals times a day. Fast forward to 2022, my brother and I run a very successful human competency development company and are secure financially but our parents are separated although they want the best for us, they don’t realize that a happy family is all we want. There are 100 different things that has happened throughout the last 12 years where I was at the lowest point in my life.

Although my life is hell, I have accepted the fact that this is the card that I’ve been dealt with. Try to make the best of it by helping the people around me and uplifting the spirits of people around me. Who knows what’s gonna happen around the corner?



I’m currently facing a tough situation right now (family issues) so it’s been really difficult,I don’t know how to overcome it


Family issues are the worst… Going through same,I also don’t know what to do,


Family problems are the toughest. When you have trouble in the outside world, family is where you tend to seek comfort in but when there’s problems inside the family, a person’s left broken from every angle.


Yeah sometimes i wish i was born an orphan,the people that are supposed to be there for you end up being the reason for your depression and anxiety issues


Yeah, I know the feeling, just today I cried a lot becoz of this only, like why why? But I guess we can’t choose our family and sometimes they don’t understand us or maybe we also don’t understand them but I did try to understand them everytimd and let go of all the hurt thing they have said, thinking it was just said In the heat if the moment but even after months they were saying I did this things wrong, I don’t know…


I’ve been there, I feel you man. Don’t worry, it might seem bad but it is a lesson for you how not to treat your future children. Remember that.


I think this too, lately too much but can’t say it, I know it’s so wrong to say this but we are not mad people there must had happened something which made us say such things, btw for some people who is gonna reply what’s ur age,I’m not teenager and don’t reply saying u just don’t understand ur parents


I don’t think we would have felt this way if our parents did things right!!Some parts is definitely their fault


Yeah, 😢


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