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What if your partner doesn’t want a relationship with you right now, but wanna get married to you in like few years ?


21 replies
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Dude how and why

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Dump his/her ass?
Can’t be committed rn but promises to be committed for life …🚩


He’s always sure and talking about the future of us, that’s why I’m confused af


They always say such things to keep you around . If he’s not willing to stay with you rn how can you possibly think and be sure that he’ll be there for you or be ready in few year for lifelong commitment. Or maybe there’s something holding him back rn talk it out girl and if he’s willing to work he will!!


It’s a myth


Why tho


Cz, what’s promised in the air remains in the air…he might end up being with you he might not. So u just went ahead an invested yourself emotionally in something that might or might not work 🥺 and then u can’t rewind time

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