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To be honest. I don’t know anything about myself anymore. It’s just too hard to understand myself. The hardest puzzle to solve. I’m usually a smart, sneaky, person around others. But I kind of question. Is that really who I am? Am i smart? I can’t understand myself anymore. I’m not even living either. I’m just doing things over and over. I’m so fucking bored of everything. I wish to do so many other things with my life. I’m currently still in school, and it is such a burn out. it burned me alive. (Literally with this heat wave) It is just so tiring. I still have some more school years to go, but I am still tired. Everything I do just burns me out. I wish I was fucking normal. A normal human who knows things about themselves. Who can express feelings. Who knows what they are who they want to be. I can’t find any of those. It’s easy to put on a fake personality for others. Now it’s just second nature. It is just too easy to do. Automatic pretty much. I don’t know my personality. I don’t what it is. I can’t tell. Am i quiet? Am I meant to be like this? Am I supposed to be a louder person? Does this fit me? Who am i suppose to be? I am not sure. I hate thinking about this. Others know who they are. Thanks for reading.

3 replies

Parijat @parijat

Hello happy thoughts First of all just calm down ️ Sit down somewhere and take a deep breath Concentrate on your breathing, . I can understand what’s going on inside you. But trust me it’s . You are in school, this is the day when you develop your personality, just take a paper and write what you love to do. Write whatever you feel. It will definitely help you to explore your hobby and it will develop your personality.


Dude your very young still, adulthood is a totally different game, and you will have to face many challanges in the future, your saying your burned out now, you still have to make a career, there will be heartbreaks, so its a long journey…and trust me when you get to your 30s you will say your school time was the best time of your life…so dont over think things, enjoy this time, study well but dont take too much pressure, make good friendships, enjoy this journey towards adulthood…

Parijat @parijat



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