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3am ThoughtsThought


To all those who are going through a tough time:

“There is light at the end of the tunnel” It sounds like a cliche, but it’s true and I say that with experience. There was a time in my life when I hit rock bottom. “Anxiety” and “low self-esteem” fought like mighty warriors in my heart and mind. Anxiety shot arrows in my heart to cripple it, and “low self-esteem” encapsulated my mind telling me I’m not “good enough”. However, a shed of hope acted like my knight in shining armour, and kept me going. Today, I have reached the end of the dark tunnel. “Self confidence” has built a barrier and blocked low self-esteem from creeping in my mind, “optimism” protects my heart from the daunting arrows anxiety shoots, and “positivity” helps me imagine a brighter future. Keep going, and you will find your way some day. Life is not what happens to you, but it’s the choices you make that make all the difference.

3 replies

I’ve been feeling low all day and this made me feel a little better so thank you😊😭

DarkKnight @darkknight

Glad it helped 😊


Glad you reached your tunnel.🎉


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