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โ€บSuicidal Ideationโ€บThought

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Tired of ny whole lifeโ€ฆ No one cares about meโ€ฆ My dad beats ne up everyday and gives me very bad words canโ€™t share things with anyone in my I might crying like if i say this to anyone today he told me go and die or else Iโ€™ll kill you now Iโ€™m gonna go somewhere idk where maybe gonna die by myself or go somewhere far where no one can reach mebin this life Iโ€™m so tired of my whole lifeโ€ฆ My bf understands me well but i donโ€™t want to tell him everything ge has his own problems and with mine it will get worst he do care about me but now Iโ€™m just ghosting everyone going far away I donโ€™t have money either probably Iโ€™ll die today take carse everyone hope youlive your life to the fullest

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rosesz
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @rosesz

rose @rosesz


hun, you deserve better. i care about you so much even though im just a stranger on the internet. you dont deserve anything your dad is doing to you and you should really tell someone about it and take action, its not healthy. good thing you have your bf there for you, you should never feel that way about your problems its okay to share them. please dont die today, many people including him will be devasted. please live and take care of yourself, i love you so much and youre doing great. thank you so much for staying strong and i hope you keep up with it. live YOUR life to the fullest, now is not the time for it to end. i wish i cold give you a big hug right now, everything will be alright


Thank you for this wordsโ€ฆ You made me cry๐Ÿฅบ Iโ€™m going through this from last 19 yrs Iโ€™m going through this and i canโ€™t fight moreโ€ฆ Iโ€™m leaving my house idk where I would be going what would I be doing

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rosesz

rose @rosesz


of course <3 ill always be here when you need someone to talk to. im so proud of you for staying strong when youve had to go through all this, you are so brave. i know that you feel like you cant do it anymore, but you can. i believe in you and i hope you find somewhere safe away from your father


Youโ€™re such a sweet soul๐Ÿฅบโค thank you so much๐Ÿฅบ you gave me strength tbh๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ


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