Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Mental HealthThought


This is the first week in 3 years that I have not cried myself to sleep. It’s an extremely huge milestone because for once in quite a while I feel a little motivated.
I decided to direct my thoughts into what could be done and not about what could’ve been.
It’s hard for me to put it into actual words because this is something I’ve not felt in forever.
For anyone who’s struggling, the sadness and stress you feel right now will never end if you dwell any further. It’s easier said than done and it’s hard to let go of certain things, but it’s really for the best. Let go of the grudge some of you may have against others.
It sucks to be disrespected or to be treated like garbage, and if the problems are still ongoing, please get immediate help.
If you can’t, well this is what’s the app is for. Vent it all out on this platform to people like you and help others in need by maybe posting a positive comment.

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Gypsy Thunder @sway8807

Don’t even know u and I’m proud. Seeing this really cheered me up a bit. Thank u for ur kind words. I hope things get so much better for u.


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