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β€ΊMental Healthβ€ΊThought


This is isn’t going well. There are all guys in my team. And I am more in a state of not interested in any work or to interact with any person, but I have to go to office, so I join them in lunch or have to interact sometimes, but I just don’t feel like talk to anyone. There are very some senior female colleagues too but I don’t feel like connected of talk to anyone. There is no way I can avoid being around anyone. And just be nice and talk. And I got Not much engaging work for today as well. So all these thoughts are coming up. I am feeling sick. But how many leaves I take. I am just tired idk of what

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shykid
2 replies

Darshan @kulfi


You can do some learning and working in a team its always building relationships and knowing each other and respecting their thoughts, you can also communicate with them saying you need time to get along

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shykid

joonie @shykid


I’m really sorry to hear you struggle, it’s the same for me, but i do realise it later that some people are actually okay to be with and we can let them in, and we just need to try it. You won’t know unless you do that right. Try to talk to one person at a time, i do hope they know that you are struggling for it and do not take it negatively, and it’s upto you how you would take it


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