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There are some days where I want to leave him so badly but I honestly don’t know how I would make it on my own there’s a lot more that goes into leaving someone when you’ve only dependent on one another for years and I don’t know if I can be strong enough to truly do it but I’m tired of not being enough for him one day he’s planning our wedding together and the next he’s making secret Facebook profiles and messaging girls for sex just really brings down my self-esteem

Profile picture for Now&Me member @raindrops_moon
8 replies

Oh. Damn. I can feel you. :/

Lily harris @happygirl024

And it’s really hard when you suffer with anxiety and depression and then someone makes you feel like you’re less than nothing I just wish one day I could make him feel the way I was feeling so he understood how much it hurt me

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Lily harris @happygirl024

I never really thought about it that way that’s very interesting and enlightening

Profile picture for Now&Me member @raindrops_moon

Sean_75 @raindrops_moon

The best would really be leaving him, being with a cheater could never make you happy or anything, it just ‘helps’ you bring down your self-esteem like you said. Don’t be scared of leaving him cause you will soon know you’ve made a right decision. And I’m sure you deserve someone so much better

Lily harris @happygirl024

I definitely think that the right thing to do would be leaving him as well as it’s just hard when you’ve invested so many years in the someone and they don’t put the same investment into the relationship as you do



Profile picture for Now&Me member @raindrops_moon

Sean_75 @raindrops_moon

Yea, I totally agree with it!


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