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she cheated on me , but I really miss her so much our good memories , she was like perfect
to me ,
should I call her…?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @riya__5
Profile picture for Now&Me member @parvv
7 replies

Goutam @lazylad


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Profile picture for Now&Me member @riya__5

riya kanbargi @riya__5

You are missing those memories not that girl

Profile picture for Now&Me member @parvv

parv vijay @parvv

You miss a comfortable place not her…

Sanket @sanket

She will ignore you and you will hurt yourself more, this could be the potential outcome of your call. Proceed if you can handle this


No! I was in the same position last year and you realise if they thought the same they wouldn’t do that to you. They knew how it would make you feel when they done it, they knew it would destroy you and they still chose to do it. So please don’t let her devalue you!


yes bro


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