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3am ThoughtsThought


Oh the trees the trees they are so dark but beautiful… branches so slim but yet strong swaying with the music of the wind. Birds tweaking in sync with the babies cries in the open skies, laughs of children so loud like a siren going off… I stand here so steady incase I fall to the sound of the Dams overflowing in front of my eyes… I walk to the an edge an edge of what you ask… I see a drop a drop so far down that you would hear the thump as I land. The scream the scream id make questing if this was all a mistake… what am I doing is what I’m thinking please inspire me to carry on… I carry on floating towards an edge not knowing what’s the next step… I see a glimpse of the past… please oh please erase my memory burn those flames higher and higher until I forget all the desire to disappear for the near future.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lovescars_420
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @lovescars_420

𝔂𝓪𝔂𝓲 @lovescars_420

beautifully written


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