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Mental WellbeingThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mysoul

Observe your senses and react only for those which is important to you and your people. Eye is one of the sense which is more powerful during this lockdown time, This might spoil you a lot than helping you. Controlling mind sense makes you better and better.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ignoramus
Profile picture for Now&Me member @mysoul
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ignoramus

Hey there. Thanks for sharing this, it was an interesting read. How do you go about controlling your “mind sense”. It’s a fascinating use of words.

With every perception and thoughts it’s wise to investigate that on whose behalf it arises. Either on the behalf of our limited self or the ego. Or on the behalf of our true nature or higher Self which is always in pursuit for the truth.
Sometimes it’s easy to discern which is which, just by sensing the body. It just feels right and doesn’t make us go weak.

I don’t know if it’s true only for lockdown. But yes, the wish to see remains dominant in us humans. Like they say, above all else we want to see. But if we ask to see everything differently and ask for its meaning to be revealed, we can know the essence instead of perception.

Any pointers for refining our senses which has worked for you?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mysoul

Staying calm and observe those senses what type of thoughts coming and leaving; Do this atleast for 30minutes in a day and If in case you don’t like to sit idle, then chant “Sarvesham Shanthirbhavathu” and
“Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu”.

Everything changes and loses. Ex: You bought a new apple phone today, and after couple of months you don’t treat that phone as you do it today. So all these materialistic things keep changes and loses. Only that YOU (Soul) does not change anytime and even we die. So don’t attach too much on anything including FAMILY. Just be responsible for what you need to do. Sticking to all those relations and materialistic things makes/feels you upset and automatically the other things like ANGER/EGO/FRUSTRATION etc., keep dominating you afterwards.

You need to watch all those and stay away from those emotions. You are here to live the human life which is best thing GOD has given to you. Respect everyone and Love every one but do not attach too much to those.


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