Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Not really good…just frustrated.
Always irritated.
Kinda depressed

6 replies

Norlan Silva @vanitas

Do you go to school? Try getting a therapist if you’re older than 16 so your parents don’t have to get invovled in it. If thats not an option then sit down every week and talk your feelings out with yourself.


We live in such a society…that people think that we are mad if we go to a therapist and even parents are old fashioned…they don’t believe in therapy

Norlan Silva @vanitas

It doesn’t matter what people think. Only thing that matters is yourself, your health, and your feelings. Don’t let anyone stop you from getting the help you need. There’s nothing to be ashamed about for wanting to be better


I am not worried about others but the thing is I am not financially independent…so l can’t go to a therapist without parents help.

Norlan Silva @vanitas

Do you go to school? They can set you up with one for free


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