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β€ΊMental Healthβ€ΊThought


My partner is going through some rough mental health issues I feel like I’m drowning it’s so hard to be that positive person and try be supportive when nothing I say or do to suggest something to help its thrown right back at me I’m losing hope for our relationship I can’t have bad days cause it’s just compared to his day I’m exhausted 😞

1 reply

It’s ok miss… Maybe he just had a bad day or something happened to him that he doesn’t want to tell you… We men just really had this trait on which we like became sad, overthinking alot that happened to us and we cant/dont really want to share it to others so that they won’t be bothered/worried… Maybe try talking to him about if he’s ok and if he’s going through something, Try it miss cause we men don’t really been asked this kind of question and maybe he would open up to you if you asked him about it. Try being supportive and show that you really love him even if its so hard for you right now, Your man needs it miss. And whatever he’s going through i hope he overcome it. I’m just a 15 year old kid but please do what i told you for both of your relationship and for mister. Stay Strong for both of you. :))


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