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My grandfather passed away last night.
And I have no clue as to how to process it.
Just thinking how my dadi is without a husband and how my father and his sister are left without a father makes me want to scream so loud. A week ago everything was completely okay and today most of his family couldn’t even say their goodbye to him. Nobody was near him while he was taking his last breathe. There was no one to hold him. He just left the world alone. With no comfort whatsoever.

I hope all of you here are staying safe and taking care of yourself and your family. The times are scary. Wear mask whenever outside.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @tinkerbells
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anonymous1303
Profile picture for Now&Me member @skybroker
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @tinkerbells

I am so sorry to hear that may his soul rest in peace.
I did this when my grandma passed away from cancer, i was so angry at the doctors and everyone that let her in pain but then i told myself she isn’t in pain anymore and she’s among the stars and looking after us and smiling from the skies.
your grandfather is not with you just physically but his sweet smile and laughter and memories he has with you will always be there forever with you. Everytime you smile, everytime you laugh and create memories he’s with you. let him go with a smile let him go with love rather than sadness.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anonymous1303

Please take care of yourself and your family…

This is so heartbreaking for all of us… stay safe and pray for everyone !!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @skybroker

Akash Dalal @skybroker

We are very sorry to hear it.
May his soul rest in peace. ❤🙏
Please take care of yourself. and people around you. 🌎


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