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My friend Is gonna be dad unintentionally.he’s just 18.what should he do?should he let the baby born or should he stop the baby from being born.?

2 replies

That’s the woman’s decision. Your friend cannot make the decision since it’s not his body. The most he can do is talk to the girl and see if she wants the same thing. Your friend can decide weather he wants to be an involved parent or not

Your_friend @your_friend_0

Even if your friend did it unintentionally. He need to face the challenges and the responsibilities coming. But, it does not mean that your fiend is the only one who will decide, your friend and the girl (who is pregnant) should tell their parents, and think about it carefully. The baby growing in the mother’s womb is a gift from God and has nothing to do with their mistakes. You should always think about it very carefully before you make you final decision.


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