My boyfriend has a porn addiction. He’s always watching girls who have bigger butts/boobs and a flat stomach. He says he loves me and doesn’t talk to other girls or anything but I can’t help but feel insecure and sad. I feel like I’m not really what he wants and he’s just using me, he says he isn’t and I have the “perfect body” in his eyes. Maybe he’s telling the truth and I’m just fucked up bc of my ex or he’s just like him. Idk if I should believe myself or him. I want to disintegrate.
talk to him about him
communication is the key
I have but it always turns into an fight no matter how calm I stay and then it usually ends up being my fault for being “too sensitive”
well I’m sorry but it’s a major red flag in my opinion
think bout it girll
Its his personal choice to watch that but maybe you can talk about this. It will help
Norlan Silva @vanitas
Porn is completely normal to watch, and often times many porn sites will just have a lot more of big butt/boobs women on them, so I’m sure he still loves you and your body. But he needs to release himself when you guys can’t do it.
I totally agree but he does it multiple times a day, I forgot to mention that. I try to have more sex to make him happy but he ends up watching porn anyway :/
Norlan Silva @vanitas
Oh my, I’m sorry. Maybe there’s something going on with him, try and talk it out with him and see what’s up. But if you feel like sex is an important part of a relationship and you need it in yours, be sure to make that known as there’s nothing wrong with it. If you two disagree on these things then it most likely won’t work out in the end, but try and understand one another before doing anything else.
Thank you so much. <3 That’s super helpful!!!