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3am ThoughtsThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sweetbutterfly

Xoxo Akem @sweetbutterfly

just feel like going M.I.A on all my family and friends. Feel like not being around them

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sweetbutterfly
12 replies

Norlan Silva @vanitas

Thats alright, we all have those days. Just take as much as you need, but let the ones you really love know that you’re okay

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sweetbutterfly

Xoxo Akem @sweetbutterfly

yes when i do they always say something bad and just makes me not want to be around them at all

Norlan Silva @vanitas

Bad as in what? If theyre really your friends they’d understand, its completely normal to be drained out of social interactions, especially for an introvert. If they can’t understand that then its best to find other friends

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sweetbutterfly

Xoxo Akem @sweetbutterfly

just everything

Norlan Silva @vanitas

Id say find better people who understand you then

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sweetbutterfly

Xoxo Akem @sweetbutterfly

even if i explain to them they’ll never understand me i’ve tried too many times and nothing

Norlan Silva @vanitas

Like I said, wrong people to be friends with.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sweetbutterfly

Xoxo Akem @sweetbutterfly

to be born around tbh

Norlan Silva @vanitas

There’s bound to be better people around you, just look closer

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sweetbutterfly

Xoxo Akem @sweetbutterfly

yes but all of them live in a different city and state


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