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Mental WellbeingThought


Just dropping here to say hello to everyone who is struggling right now, with whatever they think can’t be undone or with things that need to be done but you just don’t have the right amount of energy to do that yet. Trust me it gets better with time.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt

Kushagra @kushgpt

just waiting for that right time to start


Trust me I have been there and I tend to spiral back into the same pattern more often than I anticipate. But you know what, tomorrow is going to be a new day and we will try again. Okay? But right now, you need to sleep asap, or if the anxiety doesn’t let you sleep, try writing down your fears in one column and In the next column right down how you are going to tackle it. Watch a movie and sleep. Kal dekhlenge sabko!!!


much needed words of wisdom🖤🖤


I have my master’s exam in three weeks and I’m absolutely clueless what I’m going to do. But you know what, tomorrow is a new day, we’ll try again !


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