Hazel white @anxiety06
Is overthinking, stopped eating in middle of a meal because I think I am going to get fat, whole body shaking because I talked to someone for 2 mins, losing interest in everything is it normal?
Hey bro.
You’re doing just fine. Please don’t stress out unnecessarily. :D Would be great to hear you out if you wanna speak.
Hazel white @anxiety06
I am not fine and it’s not unnecessarily
Ofcourse its not un-neccesary. But sometimes all of us are blinded by emotions and when we look at the same thing from another perspective, there will be a different way to handle this. :)
🧸🎀 @toxichousehold2
You are thinking too much, just chill and let it be. I know that it’s not easy so take your time and do things slowly
Hazel white @anxiety06
I hope things get good for you too just remember I love you even when idk you I am here
🧸🎀 @toxichousehold2
Thank you