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Mental WellbeingThought


Is it normal to not like to be around your phone and to not do anything apart from sleeping?

Basically, I don’t like doing anything. I just want to sleep.

2 replies

Its not normal its called laziness. Moreover what i would call is hopeless. You should be interested in anything. At the very least., 😄but sleeping ain’t bad.


Nope its not normal but it is common. Its not laziness necessarily. if u feel like ur drained fatigues dont hv the energy to get up from ur bed then its somthn morre high functioning depression adhd anxiety etc. im no councelor but there r chances that u hv these. if you hv anythn maybe c a councelor? or spill your feelings here? there are lotta ppl ready to help.if you are emotionally drained too then its definetely not laziness. Tace care❤️


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