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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.
Profile picture for Now&Me member @bxbumblebee

Noor @bxbumblebee

Imagine being LGBT+ and Muslim. Yikes. Yeah, that’s me. I’m a biromantic asexual South Asian Muslim woman that will probably stay hidden forever and if I do tell someone, they’ll curse me to Hell because the Muslim community, especially desi community, is so damn narrow-minded that they just can’t accept someone different. Not just that, I’m breaking so many taboos because of who I am, a brown Muslim woman who doesn’t want marriage or kids, doesn’t look for a relationship, isn’t interested in men, is a feminist, sexual abuse survivor, is heavily a workaholic and career-oriented and is too bold for her own good. Yeah, most people would fume. They have, actually. No one has ever accepted me in real life. I’m the black sheep. I don’t exist. It’s better for others to pretend I don’t. They sleep better that way.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aanamika_
Profile picture for Now&Me member @bxbumblebee
11 replies

God that’s heavy!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @bxbumblebee

Noor @bxbumblebee


Tell me about it


People like you are torch bearers and inspiration. Power to you my friend.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @bxbumblebee

Noor @bxbumblebee



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Profile picture for Now&Me member @bxbumblebee

Noor @bxbumblebee


Thank you!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aanamika_

aanamika @aanamika_


I am going to quote a tv show here (Rosewood, if anyone wonders)

β€œGod does not make mistakes”. You are perfect the way you are and you were made and you keeping rocking your life with what YOU want to do.
It can often be lonely and disheartening I understand, but you exist and you are important and you are Brave. Don’t believe the haters when they say otherwise.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @bxbumblebee

Noor @bxbumblebee


I 100% agree!! There’s this song by Faouzia, Puppet. It really resonates with me, and I’m sure nany who come from my background or are in similar situations.


Sis I am a muslim who got forced into a marriage because of my father’s marriage saying β€œwho’d take care of you after your me??” even though I am a doctor .
I broke the marriagw withing 2 months and hot divorced. Because evidently I didn’t love him , he tried to force and also mentally abused me. After that life’s been hell because I refused to get married immediately and want to live on my own terms. They curse me all the time. They tell me how much of a loose character I have. Yep, not the distant relatives, my own parents said that. I used to be very emotionally attached to them after those events my feelings just went numb and I stopped overall caring about them.

So yeah I know situation is worse for you. Take love and hugs ❀️


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