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I’m so tired of people😭😭
They all be so jealous and jobless that they spread rumors about me😭😭😭
And I’m so friendless right now 💔😔
Just been thinking a lot these days…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
7 replies

eveei @eveei

Hey I’m here for u in case u need someone to listen or be there for u ,u r not alone


Thanks 😔


How will they know you when u r anonymous and what rumours they are spreading it and why?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Why are people spreading rumours? Just focus on yourself rather than thinking about others. It could be a little tricky but with practice it will come




Just relax coz people are gonna be like this only so just focus on yourself


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