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Child AbuseThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

fake name @apersonwhoyes

I’m seriously considering calling CPS on my stepmom. She refused to let me eat multiple times, she grabbed my throat twice, she called the police on me for something she made up, she told me to kill myself, and she gaslighted me into thinking everything I did was insane, and the results were all my fault. Thankfully, I haven’t lived with her in a year, but I can’t live like this anymore. The people on Reddit told me I should definitely call the cops on her for child abuse. The only thing stopping me is my health and my mom’s money. I have terrible stomach issues that I can’t do anything about. No medicine works. My mom is poor. We can barely afford to do anything. I’m scared of what’ll happen to her. She’s never done anything wrong to me, though. Should I do it? Will my dad hate me? If you want the full story to decide, here (Trigger warning for this): .

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