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β€ΊMental Wellbeingβ€ΊThought


im really nostalgic about the aquarium.

Growing up we used to go every week my mum, me and my litlle brother and sister. On occasion my dad would come but for the most part it was us. We all loved it, we couldn’t get enough so we went back every week. I remember us standing in front of each exhibition for hours everytime especially the penguins. At some point i stopped watching with my siblings and started standing back and watching with my mum. I was 10 years old when I got fed up with it, my brother and sister loved every second of it still. I told my mum I didn’t want to go back anymore and that was the end of it. We stopped going and i regret that converstaion so much. Now im older and my little sister didn’t have the same childhood as me and brother in a sense and it breaks me inside. We stopped going to all the fun places because of me, she didn’t get to experience that and it breaks me that i was the reason. it’s summer again and i’m extremely nostalgic for it and I wish we never stopped because it was our thing and we never quite replaced it.

I want to go back but I feel like the second I see it, i’ll fall apart.

1 reply

Yes, you might have a strong reaction, are you concerned that this will ruin the entire experience?


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