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You wanna talk I’m here

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju

Wooju @wooju

I m not okay


Why though what happened

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju

Wooju @wooju

My friends left me all alone when I needed them the most I’m not blaming anyone but why it is me always I’m tired of running


I know it hurts a lot. Don’t worry about them leaving you. Try to find someone. It gets hard to find friends as we grow older but in the process we find someone who becomes a huge part of our life. So don’t worry you will find someone. Maybe i could be one of them😁

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju

Wooju @wooju

Thank you


Sent you the request


U can talk here… if u will share ur feelings u will feel better

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju

Wooju @wooju

Thank you


You can say whatever you like, here. Many people are ready to listen

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju

Wooju @wooju



Please stay safe. Seeing your above replies I can feel you’re not okay with people that have left you. Well nobody is okay when people leave, but if they left you it means they never really cared for you and I think you should be glad they left, it might take sometime but you will thank them later that they left and you became the best version of yourself


I feel you. Have been there. U wll be fine. Just forgt about those who left. U wll meet much better ppl and later the ones who left will be the one who need you
And u r not alone. It happens with almost everyone. Ppl leaves us when we need them the most and thts okay.
All are just broken ppl with a smiling face


Mitr kya hua


Hey I am going through the same and it’s a tough phase of my life… but hold on to the strength inside you and remember whenever there is no person surrounding you there is a power surrounding you and that power is god … believe in him and may be people left you because they were not supporting your life”s growth enough anyhow I am sure and I really hope you and me both will meet new good people in this journey who are really made to nourish our souls not just stay with us … we deserve that right … stay strong … things will become good soon and even if they didn’t become better … this is one dark reality of life that only you are going to stay with yourself whole life … you have to stay in detachment with people … your real life partner is just you …only you can understand yourself so better like no other so there no great companion other than self … value that … and don’t feel bad about it… be positive about this little good thing that you got some time for self care and self compassion … give this time to nourish yourself and do some creative …

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju

Wooju @wooju

Thank you


And if you have many emotions coming up you can go for a walk … play with a pet … and you can do anything creative but go outside and explore … do something that you are passionate about … okayyyy don’t lose yourself … we all are sailing in same boat … talk to strangers make new memories value your life as gift and live it best for yourself … if any kind of thing you want to discuss you can ping me too

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju

Wooju @wooju

Thank you


I love you


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