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β€ΊMental Healthβ€ΊThought


I wish people were aware about Mental health as much as they’re about their physical health. To be honest, both are interdependent. With mental health issues, emotional and psychological distress comes physical health issues as well, like, upset stomach, sweating + body odour, nausea or dizziness, lack of focus, weight changes etc. For all these symptoms we can go to a doctor whose average consultation fee would be INR 500/- for just 10 minutes or so but we won’t go a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist whose average fees is INR 1000/- for an hour. You do the math! Let’s normalise going to therapy, seeking help and end the stigma attached with mental health conditions please. Not only people with mental health conditions but also healthy people who want to stay the same way or grow as a person can also go to therapy.

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