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3am ThoughtsThought


I wish could fix things. If I could I would magically heal everything right now. Sadly I can’t and that hurts. I’m not even sure it’ll be okay anytime soon or ever. I miss him. I miss our life together. I really do. And I’m terrified I’m going to lose him.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shabana_saiyyed
8 replies

Why are u going to loose him?

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @shabana_saiyyed

Shabana S. @shabana_saiyye...

Hmm… I am listening tell me how you are feeling
Are you ok


Not really. The days just feel mechanical. Going about without anything to really look forward to. I was with him for 6 years. And it’s not like we broke up- but I’m not even sure if we are together or if he is coming back at all. I really really miss him.


Thank you for asking. :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shabana_saiyyed

Shabana S. @shabana_saiyye...

Uncertainty is scary but things will get better over time
DM if you want to talk


You cant fix your past or secure your future but you can manipulate the present to impact both past and future. You have not lost yet so do that subtle things that it remind him of your love for him. It is easier to escape into the memory lane. But be bold and face the consequences.


That is really good advice. Thank you !


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