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I really need help with this… My friend and I were emailing each other and at one point I sent an apology email because they are having trouble with an issue and I was trying to get them to do something to help it. I basically said β€œIm such a terrible friend and Im sorry for pushing you to do this, etc.” But they kind of sent an email back that was them being mad and telling me that Im not a terrible friend and that I need to be real. In the heat of the moment I sent another email saying that I just care about them and that I felt like I was being a terrible friend and I sent it based on what I thought I was doing wrong. And they blew up again… I think I messed everything up! I don’t want to apologize because they said that they were sick of me apologizing for everything, but I need to fix this! Ahhhhh. Any suggestions? Please?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @blue_green
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @blue_green

Sky @blue_green


Don’t apologize and meet


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