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I m in relationship in long distance for 6 years. During this time we had fight we saw many ups and downs sometimes he insisted that he is not good for me and since he is very practical and i m not we can’t be together. Sometimes i insisted that we would not able to adjust with each other but at the end we convinced ourselves to stick together. now 1 year before i told him that my parents are talking about my marriage. earlier it was almost me who talks about marriage but later he got some guts to speak to his mother but since we have so many differences i don’t know how to convince my parents. From past 2 months there is one guy i visited and don’t know some how we got that connection. with him it’s seem it’s easy to tell my parents about him rather than my BF. I dont know how such thing is possible as i always that without my bf i won’t be able to love someone like that. but with these new boy everything is perfect. i want to try being friends with him but i feel like i whenever i m with him i m cheating myBF . what shall i do.?Shall i break up with my bf and start new life with him. or shall i leave that boy?. i just don’t understand how is this it too much early to take decision of breakup.or what should i do.please help

7 replies

Drop ur id let’s connect and discuss it properly

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The world is seen green for a green frog It seems have you heard about this ?

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Is it a crime ? 🐸


Breakup with 6 yearssss old boyfriend…for just 2 months old man?.this does not seem to be any good decision at all


You are cheating with your old boyfriend and it’s a red flag in a relationship. I can say that you are wrong here. First of all why did you even start talking to other guys when you are in a relationship already?


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