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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

I lost my dog 10 days back. He was my everything- my heart, my home, my best friend. I never even got to say good bye. This guilt and regret is eating me from inside. My mental health has never been this bad and it feels it’s getting worse each passing day. Nothing seems to help. I’m doing fine moment and then breaking down again.
People telling me that he’s in a better place now ain’t helping AT ALL because I knew his home was his happy place. He didn’t deserve this. He was so pure. Life isn’t supposed to be this unfair.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found

Nyx @lost_not_found

I am so sorry to hear that. It must be heartbreaking 😓😓. My deepest condolences. I have lost my pets too and tht was horrible but its just life. Death is a part of it. Be strong! Much love ❤️

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Life is definitely unfair and I’m really really sorry you have to go through this. I love my dog and cannot imagine the day she will leave me. Im sure your dog would not like to see you collapsing this way after all the efforts he/she took to bring you happiness everyday. No good animal or human deserve death but it’s the reality of life and honour the memory by going to his/her favourite park, reliving the memories and smiling to let your little buddy know that they still continue to make you smile everyday …loss of physical existence does not mean the end of memories.


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