Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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i juts most of time feel lost, i don’t what to do how to do and how to get out of it.
And sometimes it’s just kills me i want someone whom i can share all about this but at same time i am afraid of knowing people

3 replies

Tanuj Gupta @irhs

By the time you don’t find someone else to talk to… You can always opt for maintaining a diary… you can write down all your feelings and yet you won’t have to worry about anything…


Yes that’s what i did i am writer( shayar) i do write everything that occurs from long time and now it doesn’t helps me

Tanuj Gupta @irhs

Talk to your family… In that case you won’t even have the fear of being judged… because believe me… it takes a lot to share your feelings with someone coz in the background u will always have the fear of being judged…


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