Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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I have this friend for almost three years. We get along very well and we’re doing great, but the thing is that I secretly like her. I adore every single thing that she does and it makes my day if she send me her picture and she would jokingly say, “Hey look how beautiful your friend is.” I would pretend that I’m laughing my ass off and tell her “Okay, I agree with you since I’m your friend.” But deep inside, I find it so cute that it would randomly pop in my head anytime and would make me smile.
Sometimes, I would even ask her to meet up and just talk and eat even I don’t like going outside and interacting with people cause it drains me so much. We are almost 200km away from each other and we would meet in a city in the middle of our places and hang out.
Things that I do involving her would sometimes freak me out cause it’s so cringey but well, let your feelings move on their own cause if you contain it, you’ll explode.

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