Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Clayton @clayton

I have a lot of though proviking and perhaps seemingly random questions for a thoughtful dude or dudette anyone at all with the desire to answer questions. You can’t answer wrong and i just want to know how someone else feels/thinks about it. Reach me here if you can. Otherwise my email is

Profile picture for Now&Me member @drishtigupta
Profile picture for Now&Me member @simranpatel
5 replies

Gaurvi Narang @gaurvinaran...

You should ask! this is what the space is for

Rashmi @rashmimalhotra

You can ask here freely

Profile picture for Now&Me member @drishtigupta

Drishti Gupta @drishtigupt...

Go ahead. Askkkkk


Ask in the comments! I’m up for it :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @simranpatel

Simran Patel @simranpatel

Ask awayyy


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