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I had a really really bad dream about my mother and I’m scared. What if something happens to her 😭

Profile picture for Now&Me member @stalwart
6 replies

Just be normal. Have Tawakkul. Everything is going to be fine.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @stalwart

Numaan Khan @stalwart

Don’t worry she’ll be okay.
Recently I read a post on Instagram, according to which if remember your dream, then it’s a message.
Have you done anything that might have broken her heart?


Maybe. I’m thinking of pursuing a degree which she doesn’t want so it might be that

Profile picture for Now&Me member @stalwart

Numaan Khan @stalwart

You should talk with her. Tell her why are you are willing to pursue this degree. She’ll surely understand.


Oh we’ve talked plenty. I’m not sure she’s going to understand anytime soon. She’s accepting enough that she’s not going to force me into something i don’t like, but that doesn’t stop her from taking a dig at every moment


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